Sunday, December 2, 2007


Here are Ava's 6 month pictures, I can't believe she is already this old! I love her cute cheeks,

her whole face lights up when she smiles!
I finally got around to taking the girls pictures since the boys had theirs done in the fall. Addie loves getting hers done, I think she loves getting the one on one attention with mom. Anyway, we got it done, phew!


MZ said...

Oh boy. Look out, they are beauties! Addie looks like she is going on sweet 16.

page2 said...

Your girls are so gorgeous! Does Addie have a new haircut? I am amazed at how photogenic your children are.

Craig Colyar said...

What beautiful girls! It's amazing how much Addie and Savannah look alike. Especially with their same haircuts. Very cute photos Lynne...your talent is phenomenal!I hope you all are doing well.

The Clark said...

woah. woah. woah. those are so great. both are phenomenally beautiful. how do you get addies hair to shape like that??? i need pointers!

suzan said...

Great job Lynn! I wish I had your talent, or even a little bit of it! I love the close up of Addie. So so so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

So Cute! Addie is a little knock out!

Leslie said...

Darling. I think Ella and Addie have the same dress....

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Lynne they are such dolls!!!!! Ava is sooo cute, she looks like her own person. I think Ike and Addie look so much a like, but Ava has her own look. Very addorable, and extremely beautiful girls!!!!!

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

I seriously need to make a trip your way for some pictures of my kids. To this day, those pictures you took of Alexis at 7 months are by far my favorite pictures of her! You take amazing pictures, you have such a talent.... I told drew when we were pregnant that I wished we could fly you here so you could have taken new born pictures of our twins! You are an amazing person!

Beth said...

Lynne you have always had such a natural talent. These pictures are absolutely adorable. Between your talents and your adorable girls you just can'y miss. Beautiful!