one last pregnancy picture
in labor, i wanted to die! I couldn't even crack a smile!
Ahhh, he is here!
Andy holding him
my sister Kristi, came up to spend time with us
At last, our baby is here! On July 7th, around 6:30 pm, Jacob Zera Clark, was born. He was 9 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 in. long. I was scheduled to be induced on the 8th but went into labor the day before. This made it a little complicated to try to find people to watch the kids at the last minute but wonderful friends stepped right in and helped us out. Mary took me in to get checked around 9:00 am and sure enough I was in labor and making progress. Dr Z. (aka: Jeff) said to head up to the hospital around noon and get checked in. So Andy came home from work and we got the kids off to where they needed to be and headed up to the hospital. Well apparently July has been a very busy month for them with babies being born. It was similar to when you go to Dairy Queen and tell them what you want and they give you a number and then, "NEXT". Anyway, I eventually got to where I needed to be and was moving right along. I called my sister Kristi, who was planning on coming up the next day, and she quickly rearranged her schedule and came up here to be with us. She was a huge help and we are so thankful to her for coming here! Meanwhile, I decided to try going natural, mostly out of curiosity (at this point I wish I had known how big he was going to be!) It wasn't too unbearable until the point of no return and then I realized why someone created the ever so dreamy 'epidural'. Oh how I love the epidural!!! All in all, my curiosity has been cured. Did I mention how much I love epidurals?! Well, our little, I mean big Jacob is here and we are crazy about him! All of the kids love him and it has been so fun to have him in our home. There is something so special about having a new baby in your home. They are so fresh from heaven and you can so strongly sense that about them. We are so grateful to have Jacob in our family!!
Oh how exciting! Thanks for curing my curiosity. I've had a VERY small desire to try natural but I think that has passed.
I have to come see your family next time I am in town. It has doubled since I saw you last!
I can't believe you did it naturally AFTER having had epidurals. I did mine naturally before having the epidurals and I wouldn't ever go natural again! You're brave! Jacob is sooo adorable! I'm glad you get to enjoy him on the outside now!
I love all the new posts! It is fun to have you back.
I can't wait to see you again. I bet Jacob has changed so much! Could you tell him to stop growing until I can get up there again?
More pictures please
Oh congratulations lynne!!! It's times like these that I so wish we lived right around the corner for you to call! I would have taken your kids in a heart beat to help you out!!! Jacob is so stinkin cute! I can NOT BELIEVE you wanted to even try the natural thing, my sister has done that two times and is going to a third, I just think she is crazy but she likes it better then pain killers (weird). Me,, I just like going in and having a spinal tap, then having a baby an hour later :) Csections for me :)(thanks to alexis lol). Well I hope to see more pictures!!! Hope everything is going well. We miss you! and your family!!
Congrats on the new baby, and how brave of you ( I too am a lover of Epidurals) Wow your sister looks just like you I had to do a double take at the pictures.
What a beautiful addition to your family. You are a real trooper Lynne.
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