Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So, last time I posted, I had full intentions of adding another post within the week. Well, within that week I found out that I was pregnant and by the time I got over the shock, the next week the awful sickness kicked in and I was a barely breathing body laying on the couch. Getting the motivation to move to my bed about wiped me out let alone getting onto the computer to catch up on anything was out of the question.
So apparently almost 5 months has passed since then and I am ready to come back to life. The good news is that I have this wonderful medicine that makes me feel normal again. It was keeping me out of the hospital from needing to get the good ol' IV treatments that I grew so fond of in my previous pregnancies but I still felt about as crummy as I get but now the nausea has worn off a little bit so that the meds are working full force. I am so grateful for them!!
We also just found out that we are going to be welcoming a baby boy into our home. If anyone has any name suggestions, that would be wonderful. The childrens suggestions are a little scary, but who knows, maybe 'ELMO' is making a comeback!
For those of you who haven't heard, I am due July 16th.