Christian a year ago, on his baptism day
Today Christian turned 9 years old. It has been so fun to watch him grow up, we are so proud of him! Today for his birthday we all went bowling and then met up with Grandma and Grandpa Z to go to Gringos then we all went back to our house to decorate cupcakes. It became more interesting when Andy started decorating all of the kids faces instead! Christian got a new bike for his birthday, too bad there won't be any sidewalks for a few more months.
We love you Christian, we are so grateful to have you in our family!!!!
We love you Christian, we are so grateful to have you in our family!!!!
Happy birthday Christian! Will you stop growing up so fast? How can we make you stay a little kid? You just keep on growing. You just might grow bigger than your dad one of these birthdays. Keep eating healthy foods! Love, Aunt Page
Happy Birthday Christian...loved it when your Dad put black frosting all over everyones faces.
oh my gosh...i love that kid soooo much. i swear he has got to be the most handsome boy on the planet. what an adorable kid in every way. we love you too christian, sorry we couldn't be there to help you celebrate!
I can't believe it's already been another year. Sounds like Christian had a great birthday. That's a bummer about those sidewalks. I don't think we've seen our driveway since before Christmas!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Christian! We love you can can't wait to see you again! Craig wants to know what you thought of the Superbowl.
He is such a cute kid! HAPPY B-DAY CHRISTIAN!!!
Lynne, I don't think that you are old enough to have a 9 year old!! What a handsome little man.
LOVE YOU CHRISTIAN! and lynne doesn't look old enough. she's such a hot tamale.
He is not that old! Please tell me he isn't. Oh my goodness, I remember when he was just a baby then growing into my secret admirer and now he is 9?! Wow! Happy Birthday Christian.
Happy Birthday Christian
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